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Lance Tyson
  January 19, 2021

The Voice of Healthcare Workers Pulse from Waggl Indicates that 61% of Frontline Healthcare Workers Have Concerns About the Public Rollout of the COVID-19 Vaccine

Intro:  “The Voice of Healthcare Workers” pulse is a dynamic resource built on Waggl’s Employee Voice platform that enables frontline healthcare workers to share real-time suggestions and insights with their peers about critical issues in healthcare today. The initial pulse, consisting of three question statements and one open-ended question relating to the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccination, received thousands of votes from frontline healthcare workers. 

Conclusion: Waggl’s research indicates that 97% of respondents plan to receive the COVID-19 vaccination once it is made available to them, with some variation by geography, racial/ethnic identification and role. In aggregate, 74% of participants agreed with the statement, “My organization has provided clear communication about our vaccination plan, including when the vaccine will be made available to me,” with physicians (83%) and healthcare workers who have multiple roles (81%) responding more affirmatively than nurses (69%) and non-clinical healthcare workers (64%).  The pulse results also indicate that 61% of healthcare workers have concerns about the broader community receiving the vaccine once it is made available to them, with significant variation according to geographic location.  Among clinical nurses, 64% expressed concerns.