Best Practice in Human Resources Best Practices in HR - A WCG Best Practices Network Site Sun, 19 Nov 2023 19:16:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Best Practice in Human Resources 32 32 34 Keys to Successful Leadership: The Cornerstones of Effective Leadership Development Sat, 16 Dec 2023 09:05:50 +0000 Leadership is a multifaceted capability that, more often than not, determines the success of an organization. From guiding teams and shaping visions to navigating challenges and inspiring innovation, leaders play pivotal roles. At the heart of effective leadership lies a series of competencies, and recognizing them can profoundly influence an organization’s trajectory.

Our deep dive into the realm of leadership has allowed us to identify 34 key competencies that every leader should possess. By mastering these, leaders not only elevate their performance but also shape organizations that are resilient, innovative, and growth-oriented.

The 34 Leadership Competencies You Need to Know

  • Accountability: Willingness to take responsibility for one’s actions and their consequences.
  • Adaptability/Flexibility: The ability to adapt to changes and remain flexible in various situations is critical.
  • Business Acumen: Understanding the broader business context, including the market, customer needs, and competitive landscape, is key.
  • Change Management: Leaders should be able to manage change effectively, helping team members navigate transitions smoothly.
  • Coaching and Mentoring: Effective leaders know how to develop their team members by coaching and mentoring.
  • Communication: Leaders must be able to effectively communicate with a wide range of stakeholders.
  • Conflict Management: Leaders should be able to navigate and mediate interpersonal conflicts within their teams.
  • Critical Thinking: The ability to reason, analyze, and make judgments or solve problems.
  • Cultural Competence: Leaders should understand, respect, and work effectively with diverse cultures and demographics.
  • Customer Focus: Leaders need to ensure the organization stays customer-focused in all its operations.
  • Decision Making: Leaders need to be able to make informed, timely, and sometimes difficult decisions.
  • Delegation: Effective leaders know how to delegate tasks to their team members in a way that maximizes efficiency and individual strengths.
  • Emotional Intelligence: This includes self-awareness, self-regulation, social skills, empathy, and motivation.
  • Ethical Behavior: This involves maintaining high ethical standards and promoting them within the organization.
  • Feedback and Recognition: Leaders should be proficient at giving and receiving feedback and recognizing the efforts and achievements of their team.
  • Financial Acumen: Leaders should understand the financial aspects of their business to make informed decisions.
  • Innovation and Creativity: Leaders should encourage new ideas and creative thinking to stay competitive.
  • Learning Agility: Leaders should have the ability to learn from experiences and apply this learning to new situations.
  • Listening: The ability to actively listen is just as important as speaking.
  • Motivation: Leaders should understand what motivates their team members and use this knowledge to drive performance.
  • Negotiation: This involves both conflict resolution skills and the ability to create win-win situations.
  • Operational Execution: Leaders must understand the mechanics of their organizations to ensure operational efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Performance Management: The ability to evaluate performance effectively and fairly, and create plans for improvement, is crucial for leaders.
  • Problem Solving: The ability to identify, analyze, and effectively solve problems is crucial.
  • Project Management: Understanding how to plan, organize, and manage resources to successfully complete specific project goals and objectives.
  • Resilience: Leaders need to cope with stress, bounce back from failure, and encourage others to do the same.
  • Resourcefulness: The ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties.
  • Risk Management: Leaders should identify and effectively manage risks to the organization.
  • Self-awareness: Leaders who are aware of their own strengths and weaknesses are better equipped to develop themselves and lead others.
  • Strategic Thinking: Leaders need to be able to understand the big picture and develop effective strategies for reaching their organization’s goals.
  • Talent Management: This involves recruiting, developing, and retaining talented employees.
  • Team Building: Leaders need to be able to build cohesive, effective teams.
  • Time Management: Prioritizing tasks and ensuring that they are completed in a timely manner is crucial.
  • Vision and Strategy: A leader needs the ability to create and clearly communicate a compelling vision for the organization, and to develop and implement strategies to achieve this vision.

While this list is exhaustive, the intricacies of each competency are vast. For instance, what does it mean to be proficient in ‘Visionary Thinking’ as a middle manager versus as a C-suite executive? How does one transition from one leadership level to another, strengthening these competencies?

To answer these questions and delve deeper into each competency, we’ve crafted the Leadership Development Competency Framework. This comprehensive tool not only elucidates each competency but also maps the expected proficiency levels across different organizational tiers. It is a treasure trove for anyone keen on championing leadership development in their organization.

Why Download Our Leadership Development Competency Framework?

Our complimentary framework is more than a document; it’s a strategic tool designed to:

  • Provide Clarity: Clearly define what each competency means at varying levels of leadership.
  • Guide Development: Offer a roadmap for leadership growth, highlighting areas of focus at each level.
  • Facilitate Feedback: Aid in evaluating current leadership capabilities and identifying areas of improvement.
  • Prepare for the Future: Ensure that as your organization evolves, your leaders are prepared to steer the ship with efficacy.

In the rapidly changing landscape of today’s businesses, the need for strong leaders is paramount. Equipping them with the right competencies ensures not just their success but also the overarching success of the organization. While the 34 competencies listed form the foundation, understanding their depths, nuances, and applications can be a game-changer.


Mastering leadership is an ongoing journey. It requires continuous learning, adaptability, and the application of a diverse set of competencies. We’ve highlighted 34 keys to successful leadership, but there’s much more to uncover and understand about each of these competencies.

For those who wish to dive deeper and understand the intricacies, we invite you to download our complimentary Leadership Development Competency Framework. Let it be your guide to molding leaders that not only shine individually but also light the way for their teams and organizations.

Download the Leadership Development Competency Framework here.

Duane Edwards

Cofounder & Head of Product Development & Customer Engagement, Teamatics
Connected on LinkedIn

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Going From Dread To Hope In Your Upcoming Performance Review Cycle Fri, 01 Dec 2023 18:41:47 +0000

As the end of the year approaches, many companies brace themselves for the annual performance review cycle. For employees and managers alike, this period often conjures feelings of dread. The anticipation of judgment, the fear of underperforming, and the general stress associated with these reviews can overshadow their intended purpose – growth and improvement. If you’re among those who view the performance review cycle with trepidation, it might feel like it’s too late to make any significant changes for the better. However, there’s a glimmer of hope on the horizon.

Understanding the Dread

Before diving into solutions, it’s crucial to understand why performance reviews often elicit a sense of dread. Traditionally, these reviews focus on evaluating past performance, which can feel like a final verdict on a year’s worth of work. They often highlight areas of weakness or failure, which can be demoralizing. Additionally, the process can seem rigid and disconnected from daily work experiences, making feedback feel less relevant or actionable.

The Glimmer of Hope: A/B Testing in Performance Reviews

In various business sectors, A/B testing has become a popular method to compare two versions of a strategy to see which performs better. Interestingly, this concept can be applied to performance reviews. The idea is simple: take a small team within the organization, perhaps just 5-10 individuals, and pilot a different approach to performance reviews alongside the existing process. This small-scale experiment could pave the way for significant improvements in the way your company conducts these evaluations.

Choosing the Pilot Team

The first step in this process is selecting the right team for the pilot. It should be a diverse group representing different roles, levels of experience, and perspectives. This diversity ensures that the findings from the pilot are comprehensive and applicable across the organization. It might be tempting to find a team that is enthusiastic about change, but remember that a successful solution will need to be rolled out to the entire organization, not just those that are excited for something new.

Selecting the Different Approach

The different approach to performance reviews should be more of a radical departure from the existing approach, as opposed to an incremental improvement. This is your chance to try something new and quite different! The cost is low, and there is essentially no risk, so don’t play it safe. The more you can contrast with your existing approach, the better you will be able to evaluate what type of solution will ultimately be best for your organization.

Think too about being more collaborative, forward-looking, and growth-oriented. Look for ways to focus on skill and career development. The emphasis should be on continuous improvement and support, rather than judgment.

Running the Dual Process

During the pilot, the selected team will participate in both the traditional and the new performance review processes. This dual participation is crucial as it allows for a direct comparison between the two methods. It’s important that the team understands the purpose of the pilot and is encouraged to provide honest feedback about their experiences.

Evaluating the Results

After the review cycle, gather data and feedback from the pilot team. This should include both qualitative feedback from participants and quantitative data if available. Compare the experiences, satisfaction levels, and outcomes from both the traditional and new methods. The goal is to identify which aspects of each approach were most effective in promoting growth, satisfaction, and performance.

Learning and Iterating

The findings from this pilot should not be the end, but rather the beginning of a continuous process of improvement. If the new approach shows promise, consider expanding the pilot to more teams or integrating successful elements into the existing review process. If the results are mixed, use the feedback to refine the approach and try another pilot. The key is to remain agile and open to learning and adapting.

The Bigger Picture: Culture Change

Beyond the mechanics of performance reviews, this pilot can be the catalyst for a broader cultural shift within the organization. It can move the focus from purely evaluative to developmental, creating an environment where continuous learning and growth are valued and supported. This cultural shift can have far-reaching impacts on employee engagement, retention, and overall organizational performance.


The dread associated with performance reviews doesn’t have to be a permanent fixture in your organization. By adopting a mindset of experimentation and continuous improvement, you can transform these reviews into a process that employees not only appreciate but also find motivating and helpful. The small-scale pilot proposed here is just the beginning. With a successful pilot, your organization can gradually move towards a more effective, growth-oriented approach to performance reviews, turning dread into hope and opportunity.

Duane Edwards

Cofounder & Head of Product Development & Customer Engagement, Teamatics
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Build Strong Leaders Across Your Organization: Discover The Power of Our Leadership Development Competency Framework Mon, 20 Nov 2023 08:28:18 +0000 When it comes to organizational success, effective leadership takes center stage. But cultivating competent leaders, proficient in a range of core skills, requires more than mere aspiration. It demands a systematic approach. This is where our Leadership Development Competency Framework shines, providing a structured pathway to foster capable leaders across all levels of your organization.

Unlocking Leadership Potential with Our Competency Framework

Our Leadership Development Competency Framework is a comprehensive tool designed to define, develop, and differentiate leadership competencies across all hierarchical levels – from frontline managers to directors, vice presidents, and C-level executives.

The framework doesn’t just list the essential leadership skills; it dives deep into each competency, mapping out what proficiency looks like at different organizational levels. This approach tailors leadership development to the unique demands of each role, making the progression from one level to the next a clear, achievable path.

Why Your Organization Needs Our Framework

What makes our framework an indispensable tool for your organization? Here are some key reasons:

  1. Setting Clear Expectations: By defining what proficiency in each leadership competency looks like at different organizational levels, our framework provides clear expectations for leaders. This clarity helps leaders know what they need to achieve, fostering a focus on personal growth and development.
  2. Identifying and Closing Skill Gaps: The framework facilitates a 360-degree feedback approach, helping to identify leaders’ strengths and weaknesses and pinpoint existing skills gaps. With this knowledge, your organization can develop targeted strategies to address these gaps, enabling leaders to improve in areas where they need it most.
  3. Enabling Continuous Learning: The Leadership Development Competency Framework encourages continuous learning and development. Leaders are given a roadmap for growth, fostering an organizational culture that values continuous improvement and personal development.
  4. Preparing Leaders for Tomorrow: Leadership needs change as organizations evolve. Our framework encourages periodic re-evaluation of leadership skills and competencies, ensuring that leaders remain prepared for the demands of tomorrow.

How to Benefit from Our Framework

To reap the benefits of our Leadership Development Competency Framework, follow these simple steps:

  1. Download the Framework: Begin by downloading our comprehensive framework. It’s structured in an easy-to-understand format, providing a detailed exploration of each leadership competency.
  2. Apply the Framework: Next, implement the framework within your organization. Use it to set clear expectations for each leadership level, and as a benchmark for evaluating your leaders’ skills and proficiency.
  3. Facilitate Feedback and Learning: Encourage a culture of feedback within your organization. Use the framework as a basis for 360-degree feedback sessions, and to identify and address skill gaps.
  4. Foster Continuous Growth: Finally, use the framework to foster an environment of continuous learning and growth. Regularly revisit the leadership competencies, adjusting them as necessary to match the evolving needs of your organization.


In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, leadership development is more important than ever. The Leadership Development Competency Framework provides your organization with a strategic tool to cultivate strong leaders at every level.

By setting clear expectations, identifying skill gaps, fostering a culture of continuous learning, and preparing leaders for future challenges, our framework empowers your organization to navigate through change and drive sustainable growth. So, don’t wait – download our Leadership Development Competency Framework today and start building strong leaders across your organization.

Download the Leadership Development Competency Framework 2023 here.


Duane Edwards

Cofounder & Head of Product Development & Customer Engagement, Teamatics
Connected on LinkedIn

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What Makes a Great Leader? Understanding and Developing Core Leadership Competencies Sun, 19 Nov 2023 16:55:41 +0000 At the heart of every successful organization are leaders who guide, inspire, and foster growth. But what makes a great leader? It’s a complex blend of skills and competencies, each honed over time and tailored to meet the specific demands of an organization’s hierarchical levels. Let’s delve deeper into the essence of great leadership.

Understanding the Core Leadership Competencies

A robust framework of leadership encapsulates various skill sets and competencies that make for effective leaders. These competencies can be broadly classified into several categories:

Strategic Thinking: This includes the ability to create and communicate a vision, make informed decisions, solve problems, and develop and implement strategies.

Emotional and Interpersonal Skills: A strong leader should possess emotional intelligence, effective communication skills, the ability to listen, and foster teamwork. They must also have negotiation skills, cultural competence, and the ability to motivate others.

Management Skills: This encompasses delegation, change management, talent management, time management, project management, and risk management.

Learning and Adaptability: Leaders should demonstrate resilience, innovation, creativity, and learning agility. They should also be flexible and adaptable to changes.

Business and Financial Acumen: It’s essential for leaders to understand the financial aspects of the business, the broader business context, customer needs, and competitive landscape.

Ethical Conduct: Leaders should demonstrate ethical behavior, leading by example, and fostering a culture of integrity within their teams.

Incorporating these competencies forms the bedrock of successful leadership.

Leadership Progression and Skill Development

However, leadership development is not a universal endeavor. Each level of leadership – from frontline managers to directors, vice presidents, and C-level executives – requires varying degrees of proficiency in these competencies. Leaders must continuously develop these skills as they ascend through the organizational hierarchy, tailoring their approach to meet the demands of their evolving roles.

Closing the Skill Gap: The Path to Great Leadership

Implementing continuous 360-degree feedback is a powerful tool for gauging how leaders fare against these expectations. It provides a holistic understanding of a leader’s strengths and weaknesses as perceived by colleagues, subordinates, and superiors. This approach allows organizations to identify any existing skills gaps, setting the stage for targeted leadership development.

Once gaps are identified, organizations can work with leaders to establish specific goals for improvement. By providing resources such as mentoring, coaching, and training opportunities, organizations can help leaders close these gaps, fostering continuous growth and learning.

Moreover, the process of leadership development should not be static. As organizations evolve, so too do the competencies required of their leaders. Regular re-evaluations and updates to the organization’s leadership skills and competencies ensure leaders stay ahead of the curve, ready to face the challenges of an ever-changing business landscape.

In Conclusion

So, what makes a great leader? It’s more than just a checklist of skills and competencies. It’s about continuous growth, adaptability, and a commitment to lifelong learning. Great leaders are those who understand that leadership is not merely about managing tasks – it’s about inspiring, guiding, and developing others while continually evolving themselves. It’s a journey of unending self-improvement and dedication that truly defines great leadership.

Duane Edwards

Cofounder & Head of Product Development & Customer Engagement, Teamatics
Connected on LinkedIn

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View the Archive Teamatics Strengths Webcast Thu, 16 Nov 2023 00:37:39 +0000

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Embedding Your Leadership Development Competency Framework Into Performance Management Thu, 09 Nov 2023 15:47:34 +0000 Join Us for a Transformative Leadership Development Live Webcast on Nov 15, at 1:00 PM.   If you can’t make it live, register and we will send you the archive.

Welcome to our Leadership Development Webcast, where we will explore the crucial competencies and skills required to develop leaders at all levels of your organization. Our comprehensive Leadership Development Competency Framework provides a roadmap for leadership growth, but it’s not exhaustive. We believe it’s essential for organizations to tailor leadership development to their unique context, mission, and strategic direction.


  • Introduction to the Leadership Development Competency Framework
  • A detailed exploration of key leadership skills and competencies.
  • Customizing Competencies.
  • Creating organization-specific competency hierarchies.
  • Feedback and Improvement
  • Using 360-degree feedback for leadership development.
  • Setting SMART Goals
  • Establishing goals to address competency gaps.
  • Providing Support
  • Committing to resources, coaching, and training opportunities.
  • Continuous Development
  • Building a culture of learning, innovation, and growth.
  • Regular Evaluation
  • Adapting competencies to evolving organizational needs.
  • Conclusion
  • The dynamic and comprehensive journey of leadership development.


Don’t miss out on this opportunity to empower your leaders and enhance your organization’s success. Register today to secure your spot!

Speaker: Duane Edwards Co-Founder Teamatics

Host: David Whitmarsh CEO Whitmarsh Consulting Group

Register Below

LDCF Webcast


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Gathering Your Employee Data To Make Better Decisions Prior To 2024 Tue, 07 Nov 2023 15:59:11 +0000

Turning Data Into Action In 7 Days

At Olumo, we specialize in helping organizations harness the power of employee data.  Leveraging over 50 pre-built campaigns that allow you to get that data in record time.
Organizations like yours can establish a clear picture of the overall health of the organization. 

Improving retention, employee engagement, reduction of onboarding time, and DEIB effectiveness has a direct impact on the bottom line.

Imagine how powerful it would be to have insights into this data before you commit to some of your budget in 2024.   The cost savings alone on a targeted approach versus a blanket spend might allow you to redirect funds to other critical issues.

Some of the items we will touch on in this demo will include:

1. Performance Metrics: Establish key performance
indicators (KPIs) for your employees. Monitor these metrics closely to identify
areas for improvement, reduce waste, and increase productivity.

2. Training and Development: Use employee data to
identify skill gaps and training needs. This targeted approach to professional development can increase employee efficiency and job satisfaction while
decreasing training costs. 

3. Employee Retention Strategies: Analyze employee
data to understand the factors that contribute to employee turnover. Develop retention strategies that improve morale, reduce recruitment costs, and
increase productivity.

Success Stories:

Olumo helped one of our manufacturing clients reduce churn from 200% to 5% while at the same time bringing their Yield in quality control to stay around the 1-5% range, making them a top manufacturer globally.  The ROI impacted millions of dollars. 

We are excited to help you optimize your workforce, reduce costs, and enhance productivity.

Confirm your Registration Below

Olumo Group Demo

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Exploring the Future of HR: Harnessing AI for Success Sat, 04 Nov 2023 19:07:35 +0000

Welcome to our exclusive Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the field of Human Resources. Join us for an insightful exploration of how AI is reshaping HR practices, making them more efficient, data-driven, and employee-centric. 

Industry experts suggest AI will be a major game changer when it comes to the way HR does business.  As a publication, we want to ensure you have the opportunity to remain on the cutting edge of the latest HR trends and currently AI leads the way.

On a weekly basis, we will publish articles relating to AI, Interview CEOs of AI firms, Offer Educational webcasts, and have regular panel-style conversations touching on the latest and greatest findings.

Stay informed about the latest developments in AI and HR by signing up for our newsletter. Receive monthly updates, best practices, case studies, and exclusive content delivered directly to your inbox.  Sign Up for Our AI in HR Newsletter

AI Community News

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Using Performance Management as a Retention Tool Wed, 01 Nov 2023 16:50:32 +0000

Performance reviews have long been seen as a dreaded and anxiety-inducing process in the corporate world. Many employees associate them with being blindsided by negative feedback, leading to decreased morale and an increased likelihood of leaving the organization. However, the traditional performance review process doesn’t have to be this way. By adopting a more holistic approach that emphasizes continuous feedback, setting clear expectations, and tying performance reviews to career development, companies can transform performance management into a powerful retention tool. In this article, we will explore how these strategies can help organizations retain their best employees and create a culture of growth and development.

Continuous Feedback: The Power of Ongoing Dialogue

One of the main reasons employees dread performance reviews is the fear of being blindsided by negative feedback. Traditional annual or bi-annual reviews often provide feedback on past performance without giving employees the opportunity to address issues in real-time. This lack of ongoing dialogue can be demoralizing and leave employees feeling undervalued.

By implementing a system of continuous feedback, organizations can create a culture of open communication and development. Regular check-ins between managers and employees provide an opportunity for real-time feedback, fostering a sense of trust and transparency. When employees receive feedback regularly, they have a clear understanding of their strengths and areas for improvement, allowing them to make necessary adjustments and grow professionally.

Setting Clear Expectations: Aligning Employees and Managers

Another common issue with traditional performance reviews is the lack of clarity regarding expectations. Employees may feel that their performance is evaluated based on subjective criteria or that their contributions are not recognized or rewarded appropriately.

To address this challenge, organizations should focus on setting clear expectations from the outset. By establishing well-defined goals, objectives, and performance metrics, both employees and managers can align their efforts. Regular performance discussions should take place to ensure that expectations are understood and adjusted as necessary. When employees have a clear understanding of what is expected of them, they are more likely to feel motivated and engaged in their work, reducing the risk of dissatisfaction and attrition.

Career Development: Linking Performance Reviews to Growth

Performance reviews can serve as an excellent opportunity to demonstrate an organization’s commitment to employee career development. When employees see that their growth and advancement are actively supported by the organization, they are more likely to stay and contribute their best efforts.

Organizations should integrate discussions on career aspirations and development plans into the performance review process. This allows managers to understand their employees’ goals and aspirations, and jointly develop strategies to help them achieve their objectives. Whether it’s through training programs, mentorship opportunities, or challenging assignments, aligning performance reviews with career development demonstrates that the organization is invested in the long-term success of its employees.

Leveraging Technology: Streamlining the Performance Management Process

To effectively implement the strategies discussed above, organizations can leverage technology to streamline the performance management process. Digital tools can facilitate continuous feedback by enabling real-time communication and collaboration between employees and managers. They can also provide a platform for setting and tracking goals, documenting performance discussions, and capturing feedback from multiple sources.

By adopting performance management software or platforms, companies can create a seamless and efficient process that empowers employees and managers alike. Technology can enhance transparency, facilitate ongoing communication, and provide valuable data for evaluating employee performance and identifying areas for improvement.


Performance reviews don’t have to be painful experiences that drive employees away. By reimagining the performance management process and adopting a more proactive approach, organizations can transform performance reviews into a powerful retention tool. Continuous feedback, setting clear expectations, and linking performance reviews to career development can contribute to a culture of growth, engagement, and retention. By leveraging technology, organizations can streamline the process and ensure that employees feel valued, supported, and motivated to excel. When performance management becomes a positive and empowering experience, companies are better equipped to retain their top talent and drive long-term success.

If you enjoyed this blog, check out these other Teamatics blogs;

Performance + AI: Your Managers are Going to Love You

Using Career Development as a Differentiator for Your Organization When Hiring


Duane Edwards
Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer – Teamatics

Customer-focused software professional who has spent his career in solution architecture, onboarding, training, customer engagement, product management and software development.

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Leadership Development Competency Framework Sun, 29 Oct 2023 13:50:11 +0000

Thank you for registering for the webcast.

Enjoy Teamatic’s Leadership Development Competency Framework Report.

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